Hello and welcome

All of the sessions, whether one to one or within a group will include energy healing, clearings & intuitive guidance which will always be delivered in alignment with your true self energy and for the best and kindest good for you and your body. Anna uses a variety of different healing techniques which have been learned, experienced and created over a period of 25 years and which continue to evolve and be intuitively received.
You are your own healer and therefore you will always only receive what you need and feels right for you moment to moment. Please know that Anna will always be there to guide and support you, whilst encouraging and empowering you to trust what you deep down know to be true for you.
'We seek outside us, the wonders we carry within us'
One to OneSessions
Transformational Energy Healing
If you are looking for a thorough healing to help transform an area of your life that you would specifically like to explore and change, then these sessions are for you.
These sessions will begin to identify and clear the blocks, patterns and any stuck memories, making it easier to get to and heal the heart of the matter.
Pinpointing specific self judgements, hidden subconscious ego agendas and psychological conflicts to enhance the healing even more so, will also come into play using the Divine Healing method, if required.
Quite often it is the protected parts of yourself that require acknowledgement, nurture and release ~ your inner child and/or adult that may have experienced trauma or neglect at any time. Taking the time to address this area, along with reassigning any protectors that have been in place too ~ is a beautiful way to to come back into wholeness and empowerment.
Your energy field and chakras, along with any external interferences & energies will also naturally be gently cleared, cleansed & harmonised appropriately.
Practical skills, information and affirmations, will be available to take away, if required, to aid further personal transformation and spiritual growth. Please know that you will only ever receive what you need and is for your kindest good at the time, so that you are able to integrate and process the healing fully.
Due to the complexity of these healings, please know that it may be beneficial for you, to have a few regular sessions for continued support.
These sessions take place on-line via Zoom and will last approx 90 minutes. You will need a quiet comfortable space to be able to relax and receive your healing. Packages of 3 x sessions are also available for £240.
Price £90
Energy Clearing & Intuitive Guidance
These sessions are perfect for those of you who would love a general re-balance and clearing of any external interferences, imprints, implants, other people's energies and any other detrimental energies that may be effecting your energy field, chakras and energy systems held within the body.
Intuitive guidance will also be given in alignment with your higher self to help you get the clarity that you need to help you feel back on track and in your personal power. Verbal clearings will be used throughout the session, along with any healing, should time allow.
*When we have been triggered or have experienced trauma, it becomes much easier for our energy field to be infiltrated and therefore if this happens to you regularly and you would like to explore this further, you may wish to book a more deeper healing.
Sessions take place on-line via Zoom and will last approx 50 minutes and you will need a quiet comfortable space to be able to relax and receive your healing.
Price: £60
Intuitive Energetic Body Work
These sessions are for those of you who would like to like to focus specifically on an area within your body.
When our body is showing discomfort and unease it's quite often trying to tell us something on an emotional or energetic level.
An opportunity for you to listen what your body is trying to tell you, whilst receiving some energetic clearings and energy healing. A beautiful way for you to connect and communicate with your body ♡
These sessions take place on-line via Zoom and will last approx 50 minutes and you will need a quiet comfortable space to be able to relax and receive your healing.
​Price: £60

♡ Currently all sessions are to be booked and paid for directly with Anna.
Please either call, email or get in touch here via the contact form. Although sessions in person are limited, they are available at an additional cost.
Prior to any new booking, please take the time to read our T&C & Disclaimer which you can view by clicking here.♡
Monthly Energy Clearing & Rebalancing Sessions currently take place on the first Monday of the month at 7pm UK time on-line via Zoom and last for approximately 50 mins.
An opportunity to receive a general clearing, cleansing & harmonising of your energy field & chakras, releasing any detrimental imprints, energies & interferences ~ along with some verbal clearings to help bring you back into balance. A sacred healing space for you to reconnect to you, whilst connecting to others.
Next Session (TBA)
Please click here to register.